A very complex moral issue.
"And now all this soul searching about a bunch of cells".
I assume this refers to tbe human embryo. Western society, therefore won't allow the use of cells from an embryonic human being for research and yet, let it grow a few weeks in a womb so that it has its own heart and other organs and then kill it, drag it out and throw it away? And yet...someone riddled with cancer or suffereing from a degenerative disease who wants to die peacefully cannot enlist the help of a loved one to help them on their way...
The whole issue of morals is a dodgy area. When we talk about freedom in this area, could we not also refer to the freedom of the human being in embryo form? Should that person not have the freedom to grow and develop? Am I missing something here? (Please enlighten me if I am talking out of my ass).
The point I'm making is that no one is right or wrong. Morals are fluid depending on political and temporal context.
Same point as you then, Expatbrit. Westerners don't have all the answers. Coming to think of it - who does?